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Publicații pe tema obști - composesorate

2021. Opincaru, Irina and Vasile, Monica. 2021. Analysis of Legal Framework and Recognition of Romanian Commons: Research Results. Report funded by Common Lands Network. Link aici.

2021. Iordăchescu, George, Anna Varga, Monica Vasile, Irina Sinziana Opincaru. Homórdkarácsonyfalva Közbirtokosság, ICCA Consortium.  Report Territories of Life: 2021 Report. ICCA Consortium: worldwide. Available at: Link aici.

2020, Opincaru, Irina‐Sînziana. Elements of the Institutionalization Process of the Forest and Pasture Commons in Romania as Particular Forms of Social Economy. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, October, 


2019, Vasile M., The enlivenment of institutions: Emotional work and the emergence of contemporary land commons in the Carpathian Mountains, special issue on Institutional Work, eds. Raoul Beunen and James Patterson, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 62(1)


2018, Vasile M., Formalizing commons, registering rights: The making of the forest and pasture commons in the Romanian Carpathians from the 19th century to post-socialism. International Journal of the Commons. 12(1), pp.170–201. DOI:

2018, Vasile M., The vulnerable bison: Practices and meanings of rewilding in the Romanian Carpathians, Conservation and Society 16(3), PP. 217-231. DOI: 10.4103/cs.cs_17_113


2017. Bauer, N., Vasile M., Mondini M. The attitudes towards nature, wilderness and protected areas: a way to sustainable stewardship in the South-Western Carpathians, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 61(5-6) pp. 857-877

2015. Vasile M.  The Role of Memory and Identity in the Obştea Forest Commons of Romania, in edited volume, eds. David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, Patterns of Commoning, pp. 65-71, Transcript Verlag

2015. Vasile, M. Die Anthropologie der Wälder: Über die Bedeutung von Erinnerung und Identität in rumänischen Gemeinschaftswäldern, in Die Welt der Commons: Muster gemeinsamen Handelns, eds.  Silke Helfrich and David Bollier, Transcript Verlag

2015. Vasile M. Self-Sufficiency and “Being One’s Own Master” among Transylvanian Forest Dwellers, in edited volume, eds. Chris Hann and Steven Gudeman, Oikos and Market: Explorations in Self-Sufficiency after Socialism, pp. 162-188 London: Berghahn Books

2009. Vasile, M., Mantescu L. Property reforms in rural Romania and community-based forests, [English] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology) 7, 2 pp. 95-113

2009. Vasile, M. Regles de propriete et pratiques locales dans les forets communes villageoises de Vrancea: l'obstea d'aujourd'hui (Roumanie) [in French] pp. 93-105 in "Transitions foncières dans les Balkans: Roumanie, Albanie, Grèce" Options Méditerranéennes: Série A. no. 82. Montpellier: CIHEAM-IAMM, 108 p.

2008. Vasile, M. Nature conservation, conflict and discourses around forest management: communities and protected areas from Meridional Carpathians, [English] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology) 6, 3-4, pp. 87-100

2008. Vasile, M. Un fond fără formă: obştea vrânceană. Statuar şi cutumiar în dinamica definirii unui sistem de proprietatea colectivă [Meanings without forms­ "the obște" in Vrancea. Statutory and customary processes in the dynamics of defining a system of collective ownership] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology) 6, 1, pp. 56-73

2007. Vasile, M. Sense of property, deprivation and memory in the case of Obștea Vrânceană. [English] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology) 5, 2, pp. 114-129

2006. Vasile, M. Obștea today in the Vrancea Mountains of Romania: self-governing institutions of forest commons, [English] Sociologie Românească (Romanian Sociology) 4, 3, pp. 111-130

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